Hello, What does the "_[0-9]" in the end of the colnames of normalized data stand for ? These values lies between 1 to 11 . Are they correspond to "tSNE cluster" ids? ``` normalized.data = read.table(gzfile("dge_normalized.txt.gz",'rt'), sep = "\t", row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = F, quote = "") head(colnames(normalized.data)) "GTACTAATTACN_2" "AGGCTAATGGAC_3" "TAGACAAAAGCT_4" "TCTACTAGTGTN_5" "CCGTGCTGAACA_3" "GAGAAAATGAAG_7" ```

Created by Rishi Das Roy vondo
Indeed, they correspond to the clusters identified in the data, see also http://dvex.org for the 11 clusters there.

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