Hi Pablo, I have submitted our first set of predictions to subchallenge 1: I have a question: 1) I got three scores if organizers prefer to keep the way calculate scores can you please at list give us a range of possible scores?

Created by Ehsan Saghapour E.S
We are also wondering about the interpretation of the scores. At least, we need to know whether a smaller value is better or vice versa for each of the three scores to make a decision on what to submit as a final submission. Without knowing what's considered as a good score, we might mistakenly submit the worst gene sets and positions among all scored submissions. Thanks!
We would also appreciate some more information regarding the meaning of the numbers we are getting. We assume they go from 0 to 1? is lower better? Why 3 scores?
We have similar questions. Is lower better? Are some of the scores more important than the others? Thanks

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