Hi, Regarding the ?dge_binarized_distMap.csv? file which contains binary expressions of single cells, since the ?dge_binarized_distMap.csv? file is made using 84 in-situ genes, I would like to ask if we are okay to use ?dge_binarized_distMap.csv? when predicting cell positions using selected 60/40/20 genes. Please inform us whether using the file is a disqualified approach. Thank you!

Created by Sungjoon Park Sungjoon
Okay, Thank you !
You can yes, but only for the 20/40/60 genes you have preselected without using this data.
Okay, you mean we can still use the binarized single cell expression ('dge_binarized_distMap.csv ') of the selected 20/40/60 genes when predicting the cell position?
You can use only the information of the 20/40/60 genes you previously chose that is you cannot use all the information in dge_binarized_distMap.csv to choose your 20/40/60 genes.

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