Hi, some questions about the template for the final submission: A) We have not used a machine-learning approach. Can we change the title of the Data Pre-Processing and Training Models sections? B) Except for the number of pre-selected genes provided as output, we used the same computational approach to pre-select genes and predict the position of the 1297 cells for all the subchallenges. Instead of writing 3 section (each one of 1200 words), can we write a single section of 3600 words in which we explain the approach used? C) Do we have the possibility to upload the final write-up several times until the deadline? D) If we include tables, portion of pseudo-code and/or source code in the write-up, are these parts considered in the word count? Thanks.

Created by Marco Cappellato MarcoCappe
Thanks for the answer.
Hi thanks for your questions A) Yes you can, titles are just indicative of the information needed B) Sure one description is ok C)Yes D)No they are not, this is independent.

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