Hi, I?ve just got an email about a change in final writeup submission deadline (new deadline is November 26th at 5:00PM pacific time). I have some questions: A) The deadline for source code upload is moved to November 26th at 5:00PM pacific time? Or the new deadline is only for final write-up (i.e. only the wikipage containing the description of our method), while source code should be uploaded before the old deadline (Nov 21st at 23:59:59 PDT)? B) After submission of writeup and source code, they will become public and available to other challenge participants? (If yes, since the new deadline will be 5 days from now, there would time for unfair participants to exploit results of other groups. I?m sure that all challenge participants will act in a very fair way, but I?d like to know if challenge organizers could do something to mitigate this potential issue.) Thanks.

Created by Giacomo Baruzzo baruzzog
In the link you posted there is these statements: _"After you submit, expect an email either indicating that your project was submitted successfully or that your entry is considered invalid because of specific problems with your entry. If there is any problem with your submitted entry, an email describing the problems (e.g. missing items or exceeding specified character limits) will be sent to you. Use this information to modify and resubmit your entry. These emails will be sent to the email address saved in your synapse profile (if you have not changed it, this is the email you used for registration). If you do not receive this email, check your spam folder."_ This is the reason why I was waiting for an email, and why I asked the question _"Another quick question: I?ve submitted the writeup and source code almost one hour ago, usually how long it takes to get the confirmation/error email? I?ve also checked the spam folder, but there is no email."_ few replies above. thank you for your help
No email either, you can et the steps here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn15665609/wiki/583251
okay for the writeup but for source code? should I receive an email confirming the correct submission of the source code (i.e. the R scripts in the src folder)? could you please briefly describe the step to submit the source code? (just to be sure I'm doing submission in the right way) thanks
Oh, for the writeup you dont receive emails...
I have received no email. About 20 minutes ago I've tried to submit again, but still no email. I'm following the steps described here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn15665609/wiki/583251 Do I need to do something different from what described in the link above? About formatting problem, I get no errors when I've uploaded the source file in the src folder (they are just R scripts and the README.md file) or when I make the wiki (following the instructions given in the template to make the write-up). What can I do?
Yes, and you havent received an email? Maybe some problem with the formatting?
These are my sharing settings for the project (and for the src folder): Anyone on the web: Can view All registered Synapse users: Can download Are they okay?
There were some issues before, but you should receive it in 5mn. Did you share your private directory with with `Can Download` permissions?
Thank you for your answer Pablo Another quick question: I?ve submitted the writeup and source code almost one hour ago, usually how long it takes to get the confirmation/error email? I?ve also checked the spam folder, but there is no email. Thanks
Yes that is my opinion, in any case clearly once submissions are closed there is no reason to withhold writeup submission. thanks P
Thanks Pablo for the very quick reply! Few hours ago our group have submitted the 3 .csv result files for the final submission. Our writeup and source code are done and ready for submission. So if I understand correctly, once a group have both source code and writeup ready for submission, your are saying that there is no good reason for waiting until Nov 26th to do the submission. Correct? Thank your for your help.

A) Only for write up! B) Agree, we did this to precisely avoid making public the writeup before submission deadline We encourage you however to have your writeup ready as we will design best performers only after seeing the writeup and would like to do this ASAP, so we might ask you to send it to us in case you are in top rankings. Thanks and sorry if there is confusion Pablo

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