I know we will submit a model in a container finally. Is the testing data released? Or the round1_test_template.csv is just a template and the participants don't know the compounds and target to test.

Created by Xiaokang Wang XiaokangWang
Hi @XiaokangWang, Round 1 does not require model submission, just a set of predictions (I believe this is what you were saying, but I just wanted to confirm that). round1_test_template.csv is the submission template. What we mean by that is that to submit, you will need to predict the pKd for every row (molecule-kinase interaction) in that file. The [Round 1 Submission wiki](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn15667962/wiki/583675) page has more details and a submission link, but in brief, you will need to submit a CSV formatted file that has the same 6 columns and number of rows as round1_test_template.csv, plus one additional column, titled `pKd_[M]_pred`, this column will contain your numeric predictions of the pKd for each row. So, in other words, yes, the test data is released; the test "data" in this case being the compound-kinase interaction predictions that we are requesting for Round 1. Let me know if this makes sense!

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