Hi everyone.
There was an issue with the validation and scoring the last several hours. The python script that does the validation can't handle submission names with special characters, and does so in a way that instead of invalidating the submission and moving on to others it crashes and will attempt to validate it again. I won't be able to fix this by the end of the round today, so please stick with non-special characters for the rest of the day.
Created by Andrew Lamb andrewelamb Not a problem. Thanks for your participation! Sorry for my being silly. My submission is on the second page. I did not even notice there are already two pages of submissions.
That's weird, it definitely scored, I'm seeing it on the leaderboard:
11/15/2018 8:16 AM Let_Data_Talk
Xiaokang Wang (XiaokangWang)
1.279 0.4228 0.4035 0.6054 0.1314 0.7063 9682816
Maybe try refreshing the wiki page? Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your reply.
I am referring to syn17051824; 9682816. I can not see the score for this submission on the leaderboard. The leaderboard shows my first two submissions (the 2nd one is on Nov 13). The syn17051824 is my 3rd submission which I submitted about one hour ago. I would like to comply with the rule of allowing 3 submissions for each team. So did my 3rd submission (syn17051824; 9682816) fail?
Xiaokang Hi Xiaokang,
If you are referring to syn17051824; 9682816,
This submission has been scored.
If you mean one submitted after I don't see any in the queue, and would re-submit. Hi Andrew,
I submitted my last submission about 20 minutes ago. I did receive an email saying "Your submission ... (ID: 9682816) to the IDG_DREAM Round1 has been scored." but I can not see my score on the leaderboard. Is this related to the issue which you are now solving?
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Issues with scoring and validation page is loading…