Are we allowed to connect to web servers from inside the docker container to extract features for our regression models or should all programs be installed in docker? Thanks.
Created by Zafer Aydin zaferaydin Apologies for the delayed response. Generally, our practice is to disallow Docker containers from accessing the internet. So, all software should be installed in the docker container, if at all possible. We'll provide a mechanism to submit any required training data.
However, we are re-evaluating the Round 2 submission process and have decided to change the approach slightly to reduce the burden on participants:
For Round 2, we'll be asking that participants submit a prediction file (as they did in Round 1) as well as fill out a brief survey describing any training data and describing their method in a few sentences.
**After** Round 2 is closed, we will follow up with all teams requesting Docker containers for their method. The only team(s) that will be obligated to submit a container will be the winning team(s) - at least, in order to win the Challenge - but anyone will be invited to submit their containerized method.
A more formal announcement describing this will go out in the coming days. Thanks for your patience. Let me know if you have any follow up questions!
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Connecting to web servers from docker page is loading…