Dear IDG-DREAM @DrugKinasePredictionChallengeParticipants, The challenge organizers are currently revising the Challenge manuscript (currently available as a [preprint](, and are seeking some additional information to address reviewer comments. We'd be very grateful if you could fill out this [short survey (<5 minutes)]( by September 25th. Thank you very much and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Best, Robert on behalf of the IDG-DREAM @DrugKinasePredictionChallengeAdmins

Created by Robert Allaway allawayr
Dear @DrugKinasePredictionChallengeParticipants, Thank you all who have submitted a survey response! If you have not, please consider responding here: (<5 minutes). Please note: only one response per team is needed, so if a team member has already replied, no need to respond! Best, Robert on behalf of the @DrugKinasePredictionChallengeAdmins

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