

Created By Sara Gosline sgosline

dob: 1418688000000.0
dod: 1433289600000.0
sex: Female
assay: in vivo tumor growth
organ: nerves
tissue: Dorsal Root Ganglion
species: Mus musculus
studyId: syn51133914
dataType: Volume
diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis type 1
studyName: DHART SPORE Project 1 Phase 1 - Molecular, Developmental, and Genetic Evaluation of Plexiform Neurofibromas to Inform Clinical Trials
studySite: IU: Clapp
accessType: PRIVATE
fileFormat: csv
initiative: Developmental and HyperActive Ras Tumor Specialized Programs of Research Excellence
isCellLine: No
specimenID: 691
dataSubtype: raw
modelSystem: Peri+
compoundDose: 20
compoundName: SELUMETINIB
individualID: 691
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: NIH-NCI
isMultiSpecimen: No
compoundDoseUnit: mg/kg
isMultiIndividual: No
experimentalCondition: D-2wk on/1wk off BID
experimentalTimePoint: 7d
experimentalTimePointUnit: hours

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