Hi, I have been experiencing some difficulty downloading RawData.tar.gz (via browser-download). Though registered to the challenge there is a 'lock' icon associated with the file(s) within the Synapse web-interface - this association has not prevented downloading other challenge-assets.

Created by anthony james binarysurface
Dear all, Apologies for any inconvenience. After discussion with our platform team, we recommend you to download large files with our analytical clients (R, Python, commandline). Instructions on how to use these clients can be found [here](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/getting_started_clients.html) The reasons for this are: * Once the download is initiated, the Synapse web client is no longer in the loop. * Your connection speed is almost certainly going to be the major performance bottleneck for downloading large files. * Our hope is that using a programatic client for download will be more robust than a browser download, and we're very curious to know if this is the case! To sum things up, we don't know the details of how Firefox retries when download has problems, so we can't predict how it would compare to our own (Python, R, commandline) client in any given environment. Best, Tom
Failed downloading RawData.tar.gz~
After closing all ancillary browser-windows the file-download issue occurs at 180MB.
Thanks @binarysurface for reporting this issue. I have filed an issue with our platform team to see if it is a internet or firefox issue. Thanks
Hi, Not receiving an explicit error though the file-download hangs (now) at 135MB. Within the browser download-tab (Firefox 65.0.2) a pause-resume procedure after prolonged-download-hang completely fails the download. Something within Synapse-backend file-access-control maybe (i.e. timeout)?
Hello @binarysurface, Are you receiving an error?
Let me check what might be happening, I was able to download so possible internet speed issue?
Thank you for the response. SubChallenge1 and SubChallenge2 files were obtained, as well as RawDataFilenames.csv. Particularly RawData.tar.gz has failed after 50/60MB after several attempts.
Hello, are you able to download other datasets in the Data folder?

-- rawdata download issue -- page is loading…