In SubCh1_TrainingData, for each isolate why is the DHA_IC50 value the same for every timepoint, treatment and replicate ? Sorry that this is likely a stupid question!

Created by mark_l
Many thanks for your detailed response, Sage
Hi mark_l, Thanks for the question. The DHA_IC50 value is the same for every isolate because it is measured as a separate experiment from the transcriptional data. As such, the DHA_IC50 is unique to each isolate, not every timepoint, treatment and replicate. Briefly, a culture is is exposed to a gradient to varying DHA concentrations for 72 hours starting at early ring stage (0~12 hours post invasion) and the concentration at which 50% of the parasites growth is inhibited is determined. This is done for every isolate in triplicate and the average is reported in the DHA_IC50 column. For more information about the IC50 protocol, I recommend [], specifically section 4.4. Hypoxanthine incorporation growth inhibition assay. I hope this answers your question. If you have any follow up questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them. Thanks. -Sage

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