Dear @MalariaDREAMchallengeParticipants Round 2 results are live [here](!Synapse:syn16924919/wiki/594001) Best, Tom

Created by Thomas Yu thomas.yu
Dear Ehsan, Apologies for the inconvenience. I can confirm that the pipeline failed to send you a message. I have added your submission to the round 2 leaderboard. Best, Tom.
Dear Tom, I have submitted it again and our submission ID is 9687161. Best regards, Ehsan
Dear Tom, We didn?t receive any email saying our submission is not valid. We actually expecting our ranking from this submission on the leaderboard. Best regards, Ehsan
Dear Ehsan, I just checked your submission. Unfortunately, you have trailing white spaces in some of your SLOW, FAST values ('SLOW ', 'FAST '), which is different from 'SLOW' and 'FAST'. Best, Tom
Dear Tom, Thanks for your consideration. I have checked it again, there is no any problem in our submission! please check it . Best regards, Ehsan
Dear Ehsan, It is an invalid submission. Best, Tom
Dear thomas.yu Our team (Malaria_OMIX) submitted to the sub challenge 2 round 2 with submission ID 9687079 but our submission is not ranked. Best regards, Ehsan

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