Could you inform us the rank inside the team of the three models submitted for total 3 leaderboard? if you can tell us the rank inside the team, it would be help final submit.

Created by DOHYANG KIM dohyang
Thank you for the answer and your effort. Best, Jinseub
Dear Participants, Due to the possibility of enhancing overfitting and in order to safeguard the independency of the test set, we have decided not to provide an overall leaderboard combining submissions by each individual team/ participant across Round 1 to 3. We believe that the leaderboard's we provided for each Round of submissions has encouraged competition across teams while safeguarding the test test. Thank you Geoffrey
Dear Participants, We are discussing this and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you, Geoffrey
I also think that instead of ranking teams or individuals, submissions could be ranked. Afterall it is about finding the method that gets the best result is our objective.

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