Dear Participants, We would like to remind you that the final submissions for the Malaria DREAM challenge are due August 15th at 12am PDT. We hope you have all had a wonderful experience modeling the data. Thank you, Malaria DREAM challenge organizers

Created by Geoffrey Siwo gsiwo
Dear Organizers, We are having trouble with the submission for one Sub Challenge. The Other Sub Challenge is fine! Here's the error we are getting although we know that the right file was upload for submission: Hello Omandi, Your submission (Final answer for Sub Challenge 1) is invalid, below are the invalid reasons: Expected FileEntity type but found org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.Project Sincerely, Challenge Administrator
Dear Organizers, Even I submitted the write-up in pdf and got the same error: "This is the writeup submission queue - submission must be a Synapse Project. Please submit to the subchallenge queues for prediction file submissions." Do we need to submit the whole project for the write up? In the submission guidelines (!Synapse:syn16924919/wiki/590954) for Write up it says: "**Create your Writeup** Using the project you created: ** Create a Wiki for the project: Tools > Edit Project Wiki.** Create a directory named src in your project where you will place all the source code. If suitable, place the source code for different subchallenges in different folders. " Thank you.
I submitted the write-up as a separate txt file but got the following error "This is the writeup submission queue - submission must be a Synapse Project. Please submit to the subchallenge queues for prediction file submissions."
Dear Participants, Please submit your write-ups as a word or pdf or text file until August 22nd 11:59PM. The write-up should be a separate file describing the details of how you made the predictions you submitted. Thanks Geoffrey
Dear Organizers, I am a little confused about the writeup. Is it the same as the wiki? Or I need to create another word file and upload it? Thanks, Di
Dear Organizers, Regarding the submission of write-up and code, it is mentioned: "For the writeup submission, **AFTER** your final challenge submission, please share your private project with the public with Can Download permissions." So it seems we need to load the write-up as part of project wiki and load code in our project and share these publicly. By "AFTER", what do you mean? Should we share it after the deadline for submission that it after 11:59 p.m. PDT 15th August 2019? Thank you.
Dear Organizers, Yes, I have seen this description. I would like to ask if there's any requirement or template for writeup. Cause as described there, we only need to upload our code and result. Do we need to write about our method or something else? Best wishes, Di
Dear Di, Yes, you do need to submit a writeup. Please submit as described in the submission section here!Synapse:syn16924919/wiki/590949 Best wishes Malaria DREAM challenge organizers
Dear Organizers, Do I need to submit the write-up stuff? If yes, where should I upload it? Thanks, Di
Yes, submissions should be in the same format as described in the challenge details which was the same format during the leaderboard stage. Best wishes, Geoffrey
Dear Organizers Can we submit the final prediction in the same way as the leaderboard stage? Best, Jinseub

Final Submission Deadline Malaria DREAM challenge August 15th page is loading…