Dear Participants, Thank you all for working hard on this important problem. Please note that you can still submit your challenge writeups describing the approaches you used. We will keep you posted in the next few weeks regarding the final ranking of submissions. Thank you again, Malaria DREAM Challenge Organizers

Created by Geoffrey Siwo gsiwo
Dear @KathrynS, No problem. Looks good now! Cheers, Tom
Dear @thomas.yu, you are right, our apologies !! This time it should be good .... ! Sorry again
Dear @KathrynS, Apologies for the inconvenience. The records state that you submitted the challenge site itself:!Synapse:syn16924919. Please submit your own private project which contains self written wiki pages that contain your writeup. Best, Tom
Dear @thomas.yu, We have received the following message: "Your submission (writeup) is invalid, below are the invalid reasons: Writeup submission must be your project and not the challenge site". Which is not very clear to us, and we are pretty sure we have submitted our project. Could you please have a look at our submission failure ? Thank you so much for your help
Dear organizers, Now that the final leaderboard has been posted, will the final scoring metrics also be made available? Thank you very much,
Dear @KathrynS Apologies, I fixed the submit to challenge button on that page. Best, Tom
Dear @thomas.yu, We have now submitted our writeup
Dear @RNI_group and @KathrynS , Apologies for the inconvenience, it is true that submission of writeups is done differently from submission of your prediction files. Please click the "Submit to the challenge" button found [here](#!Synapse:syn16924919/wiki/595044) on step 2, navigate to your project and submit it. I don't see your writeup submissions. Best, Tom
We too have created the wiki pages, apologies for submitting PDF files earlier. Could you confirm that the write ups (SubCh-1 & 2) are accesible by you? Thanks.
Dear organisers, We have uploaded our code and write up (as wiki) on our project. Could you please make sure it is available and add us to the final leaderboard ? Best, Kathryn (VesiNet team)
We uploaded our writeups and also made them downloadable . Couldn't see our group name on final list. Could you check and let us know please what went wrong?
Dear MD_DUTeam, Thank you for checking. Yes, we have received your writeup. Best wishes Geoffrey
Dear Organizers We submitted write-up on 21AUG2019 and we got the email with title "Submission to 'Malaria DREAM challenge Final Write-Up' accepted!". But, we found today that wiki contents for "submitting write-up" added in "how to participate". Could you check for well submitted? Our team name is "MD_DUTeam" and submissin ID for write-up is "9691613". Best Jinseub
Dear Participants, Final results will be announced September 7th. We strongly encourage you to submit write-ups as soon as possible so we can all learn from each other. You can polish the writeup with time but at least provide as much detail as you can in the shortest time possible. Thank you Malaria DREAM challenge organizers
Dear organizers, Will we be able to submit the writeup after you release the final leaderboard ? When will we have access to the final results ? Thanks.
Thanks for the update. I am little confused over which method to submit, since some of us might have used comepletely different methods for submission in different rounds. WIthin a round we know the relative standings of our methods but not across. It does make things a little difficult for us, meaning we might have to submit upto three methods for each Sub-challenge!

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