Dear Challenge participants, First, thank you all for participating in the challenge and sharing your write ups and code. We would also like to congratulate the top teams for presenting their results at the RSG/DREAM RECOMB meeting in NYC last week. We would like to follow up on the following next steps to enable us work as a team on a manuscript for peer review: i) We would like to ask all teams to do an analysis of the features you used in your models ii) We would like to ask teams to explore whether (and how) their models from sub-challenge 1 can be applied to make predictions in sub-challenge 2 iii) We will be inviting you all to consider submitting your solutions as papers on the [Malaria DREAM challenge F1000 page]( Additional details on this will be provided on the follow up call. iv) If you are interested in following up on the above, please let us know through this forum or you can also email me at We will also be sending you details of a follow up a call that will be scheduled around first week of December. Thank you, Geoffrey Siwo On behalf of Malaria DREAM challenge organizers

Created by Geoffrey Siwo gsiwo
Hi Didier, Thank you for your response. If I understand your question correctly, we need you to take the model from subch 1 and apply it to the data in subch2 to predict clearance rate of the test set in subch2. (No need to do the reverse i.e take model from subch2 and apply to subch1). You could send me the predictions directly for now. Hope this clarifies. Thanks
Hi @gsiwo : About point 2 , can you explain a little more in detail. Do you mean training our SubCh1 models with the data from SubCh2 ? o just directly apply the models to the testing data from SubCh2 and predict the ClearanceRate? . Cheers DD

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