Hi Dear Organizers, I was a participant of Malaria DREAM challenge in Team KKT-Malaria. I just noticed that we were put under no write-up ranking list even though we have put our write-up on our wiki page. I think I forgot to submit our write-up at that time. However, we are not able to submit by ourselves because the link has been disabled. Therefore, could you please help us to submit our write-up link and rank our result in "Final" ranking list as well? Our wiki link is here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20503370/wiki/594557 I really appreciate it if you can help us with it. Thanks for your time and help.

Created by Di Wu wudi930320
Dear @wudi930320 , I have submitted for you. You should be part of the main leaderboard now. Best, Tom

Can't submit write-up page is loading…