I found this repository from your Nov 2021 Radiotherapy paper (doi: 10.1038/s41588-021-00874-3). Would you be able to direct me to the COSMIC signature contributions (indel/SBS) for this cohort, if available.
Thank you,
Created by Nick Fernandez nickrfern Hi Nick,
Thanks for your interest in our work. As you point out, the [Nature Genetics Kocakavuk et al. 2021](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-021-00874-3) manuscript includes data from the GLASS database.
The COSMIC signature contributions at SBS and ID levels can be regenerated using Files and Tables that are already present on Synapse.
However, we recognize the value of directly retrieving these data and have now added an additional folder to synapse which you can access [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn51193999).
With the files included in this folder, the analyses and [code](https://github.com/EmreKocakavuk/RTscars/blob/main/R/GLASS_HMF_signature_analysis.R) described on GitHub, can be performed more conveniently.
Please let us know if you need any further guidance.
Best regards,