Hello GLASS, Thanks for your wonderful data curation and transparency! I have found everything I need except one final thing. I have been scouring the Data Dictionary page, and I may have missed this several times, but I cannot seem to find the meaning of the values for the "Tissue Source" portion of the barcode. For example, consider the barcode: ``` # Project Tissue Source Patient SampleType Portion Analyte Analysis Unique UID # GLSS MD 0043 R3 01 D WGS A5EGFI ``` I was able to find, for instance, that Project takes two values, GLSS or TCGA; that SampleType could be R1, first recurrence, R2, second, etc; and so on for every other field. However, for Tissue source, the possible allowable values are: Tissue Source CU DH DU FG HF HK LU LX MD SF SM SN TM TQ; finally, alternatively, it may be a number (06, 14, or 19). I looked for quite a while, but I could not find this information - sorry if it is obvious and I missed it. What might these codes refer to? With kindness and thanks, Vincent Laufer

Created by Vincent Laufer LauferVA
Happened upon syn26848999, which also contains much of this information.
Perfect - thanks kevin! VAL
Hi Vincent, These codes most often refer to where the clinical tissue was collected or less frequently to the institute where the samples were sequenced. The institution at which we conducted our analyses requested that we not directly list that information on Synapse. We regret that we could not upload this information, and maybe we will be able to in the future. That said, this information can largely be found in Supplemental Table 1 of Barthel, Johnson et al Nature 2019 and Table S1 in Varn et al Cell 2022. -Kevin

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