**Thank you all for joining the ENCODE Imputation Challenge!** The Organizers are working hard to curate a set of **training** and **validation** data for the first phase of the challenge. We expect to be ready to release that here on Synapse early next week (week of Feb 11). Watch this discussion board for that and other announcements about the challenge, and make sure all your team members are following this group to get the latest news. ENCODE Imputation Challenge Organizers

Created by J Seth Strattan jseth
It wasn't stated explicitly on the webinar today but if you want to get the whole dataset please note the following. When you are on the training set page (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18143306) if you click Download Options and then Programmatic Options you get a box showing you the commands you need for Python, R or bash (after installing the relevant packages). It took me a while to spot this.

Training data page is loading…