Hello Challengers - Here are some important dates. **May 4 23:59 PDT - Mock submissions due (see below)** **May 15 23:59 PDT - Deadline for Round One submissions** **May 22 - Round One scores announced here** **May 29 - Top-performing teams present their methods** See the detailed submission instructions in [Section 3.4](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/wiki/588658) of the Project Wiki. **Mock submissions:** For format validation and to make sure the submission process is clear, teams must submit a mock bigWig file in the format specified in Wiki Section 3.4 [?Submitting Predictions ? Submission template bigWig?](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/wiki/588658). The predicted values (column four) can be any valid values. These files will not be scored, but their format will be validated. Follow the instructions under ?Detailed submission instructions?. You will use the submission folder you create for your team for the mock submission now and for your real submission later. In this folder create a subfolder called "mock" for your mock submission. **Team presentations: ** On May 29 we will host a challenge-wide video conference where top-performing teams will be invited to present their methods. This will be a great chance to share ideas and learn from each other. Good luck! Seth

Created by J Seth Strattan jseth
@lzj1769 We'll be checking the mock submissions +/- manually, and contacting teams directly. Seth
@j_hat the GRCh38 chrom.sizes can be downloaded from the ENCODE Portal here: https://www.encodeproject.org/files/GRCh38_EBV.chrom.sizes/ Seth
Hi @jseth , Will the validation results about mock submission be reported? just wanna be sure that our submission has the correct format. Thanks, Zhijian
https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/discussion/threadId=5315&replyId=18317 @jseth Thank you, that is very helpful. I was checking the description last week and didn?t see this table.
https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/discussion/threadId=5315&replyId=18319 @shaunmahony it was the same for us. I removed the permissions for that team.
Where are you getting the chrom.sizes data for the bedToBigWig executable?
No, that was not my team. Weird that they were added to permissions by default.
@shaunmahony Your team should have access to the submission folder you created for your team, so I don't think you should remove that permission. That is your team? Seth
@vanboemmel In the File section, /data/training_data and /data/evaluation_data are the first sets you want to use to develop and test your methods. See [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/wiki/588654) for more details on round 1. Which marks are training, validation, or test are documented in Table 3 [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/wiki/588653) In short, your round 1 submission should consist of predictions of the evaluation sets when trained on the training data, and predictions of the test cell types/marks when trained on training plus (optionally) validation data. The actual results of the experiments for the test data will not be revealed until the end of the challenge. Is that helpful? Seth
@arcanum449 We'll be checking the mock submissions +/- manually, and contacting teams directly. Seth
By default, the team "exbio" have access to the folder that I created. This permission can be removed, right? Shaun
Dear Seth, as far as I understood the Round One Submissions (deadline May 15) will consist on submitting our predictions for the Validation Set and for the Test Set. Is the Test Set already known, meaning which cell types and marks should be imputed? In the File section, I can only see the validation set and the evaluation set... Thanks for your help Alena
Got it. Thanks, @jseth ! Is there a place we can check the results of mock submission (e.g. whether the format is correct) on the fly? Or are you going to release the results after May 4?
@arcanum449 creating and uploading to the folder is all you need to do for this challenge. That's how we will gather all submissions. Seth
Hi Seth @jseth , For the mock submission, we have uploaded files to the submission folder as you mentioned. But we can not find the submission button e.g. "Submit to XXXX Challenge" under Folder Tools. Any instructions about this? Thank you! Best, Hongyang
@ccchang0111 yes I think that's what must have happened. I added back permissions for you and your team to that folder. That should fix it. Seth
Hi @jseth , I have created a folder under Submission. I have passed the test and was able to create a folder and change the folder permission. However, after I click 'Save'. I got an error message (forgot what it was) and I am not able to see the folder. When I tried to create the same folder again. It says 'folder already exist'. But I can not see it. I guess I forgot to grant myself the permission ?? Thanks, Andrew
@yuanfang.guan thank you for your question. I thought others might have the same question, so I made a [new thread](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/discussion/threadId=5328). Seth
@jamesxli sorry for the difficulties with the Synapse "user certification" quiz. It's an annoying speedbump but Synapse requires it in order to create content (upload files) to the platform. I did set up the submissions folder explicitly stating there would be no restricted data, but it seems that the certification process is still required. Perhaps the good news is only the person uploading files for your team needs to do it. Seth
When answering the questions, there's a button you can click that will pull up the relevant text that has the answer. That can help you answer the questions. I don't know whether there's another way to get around the issue.
Hi there, I tried to create a mock subfolder under my account, but failed as that project site asked me a whole bunch of questions (in order to become Certified) and I failed some of them. I am wondering whether there is easy way to solve this problem. best regards, James
Dear Seth thank you for your message. Is there any incentive for the first round? thanks again. Yuanfang

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