Hello Challengers - For your round 1 submissions, follow the same protocol as you did for the mock submissions, except make a new folder called "round1/" in your team submission folder. Upload your bigwigs to that folder, naming the files using the now-familiar CxxMyy.bigwig syntax. You do not need to create separate sub-folders for the validation and test data; put everything in "/submissions/yourteam/round1/". Thank you for all your hard work. We're looking forward to seeing your predictions. Good luck! Seth

Created by J Seth Strattan jseth
Hi! Would it be possible to extend the Round 1 submission deadline to this Friday Midnight PST? Some server shutdowns over the weekend delayed our computations.
Thanks so much, Seth
@shaunmahony thanks for asking about that. It's an important question so I will answer it in a thread of it's own. Seth
Hi @jseth Just to clarify - are we _**required**_ to submit submissions for Round 1? i.e. can we continue participating in the collaborative round and final competitive round if we don't submit predictions tonight? Best, Shaun
@ccchang0111 probably the easiest way is to use the synapse CLI. First do ``` $ synapse list synxxxx ``` Where _synxxxx_ is the synapse ID of your folder displayed on the Synapse UI when you use the File browser to navigate to your folder (in your case syn18636840). That will give you a list of synapse ID's for the files. You can parse that (pulling out just the ID's and removing ID's from subfolders) and then loop over the list of IDs and move them with: ``` $ synapse mv --id synxxxx-source --parent synxxxx-destination ``` Should work! Seth
Hi Seth, Our team has uploaded the bigwig files under our team folder. We did not know we have to create /round1/ folder until now. I am afraid I don't have time to re-upload them to the round1 folder by end of today. Is there a way to move all those files into round1 folder? The only way I know is to manually click into each file and select move file, which is inefficient. Thank you, Andrew

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