Hello Challengers - The scores and rankings for Round 1 of the ENCODE Imputation Challenge are in! Tied for first place are teams **BrokenNodes** and **Hongyang_Li_and_Yuanfang_Guan** First runner-up is team **KKT-ENCODE-Impute-model_1** Second runner-up is team **LiPingChun** Full run-down of scores and rankings are here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/wiki/592579 Note that these scores and ranks are based on results of your predictions of Validation data. Scores on predictions on blind test data will form the basis of scoring in Round 2. Congratulations to the top-scoring teams and to all teams completing Round 1. The four top scoring teams above are invited to make a 15' presentation and take questions during the ENCODE Imputation Challenge Virtual Conference on June 11, 2019 from 9:00 to noon PDT. We will share a more detailed agenda closer to the date. Thanks to all for participating. Challenge Organizers

Created by J Seth Strattan jseth
@cyhong yes we will release scores for Avocado soon and discuss those during the conference call next week. Seth
Hi, can you also include the Avocado results in the ranking?
`Average` is using the average value at each locus for that assay across all the training cell lines as the predictor.
Thank you Seth and all the organizers for summarizing the scores! Quick question, is the team 'Average' the baseline prediction using averaged values?

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