Hi All, The leaderboard for live scoring and relative ranking of submissions on validation data is now LIVE! Please see detailed instructions for how to submit and interpret the leaderboards here https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/wiki/594011 . Please post in the discussion channel is you face any issues. Thanks, Imputation Challenge Organizers

Created by ANSHUL KUNDAJE akundaje
Got it. That makes sense. Thanks.
Actually it may be possible. We will look into it today. It looks like for datasets where Avocado beats Average, many other teams beat both of them, so the relative rank difference between Avocado > average is not very large. But when Average beats Avocado, a lot of other teams also beat Avocado but not average. So the rank gap when average > Avocado is often large. But still need to make sure it's not some issue.
@leepc12 can you look into this ASAP. Something seems wrong with the global leaderboard.
Why is the Avocado's leaderboard ranking now lower than Average? Is it possible under this scoring and ranking system?
Thanks, problem solved.
Your submission was submitted as an individual (not a team). Please follow the Synapse web UI method and stop after creating a team. Use that team name for command line submission.
When I followed the steps to submit inputation tracks from the website, I got the error message: @jamesxli Has a conflicting submission.
I tried to use the command 'synapse submit ..." to submit tracks, but I got error saying that the team name is not found. It is looks that a team has been created before running the submit command. Can anyone tell how do I create a team for command line submissions?
@jamesxli we've added instructions to the wiki for uploading submissions via command line which can be more automated than doing it through the web interface.
@cyhong we've added Avocado and the average baseline to the leaderboards
The submission information page provided above seems to indicate that the imputation tracks have to be submitted one-by-one manually. Is there a way to submit the whole directory of imputation tracks ?
Yes we will add Avocado and the average baseline for the validation set leaderboard. Avocado will not be included in the test set rankings to declare winners.
Will you include Avocado in the leaderboard?

Leaderboard for validation set is LIVE! page is loading…