Hi All, The Blind Test Submission queue is now live. Please read the instructions carefully here https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/wiki/594311 and perform at least one test submission a week before the deadline so that you are confident your uploads are being accepted and validated. Also check out Jacob's recent post https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17083203/discussion/threadId=5773 about Avocado predictions on the test datasets. If your models have been integrating Avocado predictions you can use these for the test datasets. Good luck with the final submissions! Thanks, Organizers

Created by ANSHUL KUNDAJE akundaje
Thanks Anshul, Extending the deadline to Sunday would certainly help! Yours, Mark
Hi Mark, We are on a pretty tight timeline to release the blind test set datasets (due to the rapid release policy of ENCODE). But I think we should be able to extend the deadline to Sunday midnight Pacific for everyone. We will discuss amongst the other organizers and send an announcement later today. Thanks, Organizers.
Hi Organisers, Thanks for all your work in putting together and hosting this fun competition! Is there any chance that the submission deadline could be extended by a few days (ideally until next week)? We've just had our server taken out by maintenance work on our university's electricity grid over the shutdown period (12-16 Aug) and are currently unable to upload our test set runs. :-( Thanks! Mark
Much after the submission deadline. We'll let you know. For now priortize getting the submissions in.
What is the deadline for the method write-up?
Actually to add to that - A team is not allowed to submit the EXACT same submission through three different team accounts. We will consider the last submissions of a single team through upto 3 different team accounts IF they are all distinct.
Hi Shaun, Yes you are right. This information is not posted. I will update the wiki. - Each 'Synapse team' can submit as many predictions as they like through a single team account. But we will only consider the last submission for each team account for final scoring. - However, a specific team of participants can create upto 3 different 'Synapse team' accounts. So in principle, a team can submit 3 sets of distinct submissions through 3 different 'Synapse Team' accounts. Again only the last submission from each team account (upto 3) will be considered for scoring. - Also a team is not allowed to submit the EXACT same submission through three different team accounts. We will consider the last submissions of a single team through upto 3 different team accounts IF they are all distinct. Hope that makes sense. -Anshul.
Hi Anshul - Could you provide some clarity on how many final submissions each team can make? I thought I remembered someone saying that each team can submit up to 3 sets of predictions, each under a different team name. However, I can't find this stated anywhere on the wiki. Shaun

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