I'm curious when/where we are supposed to upload our methods write-up. I have placed the write-up in our challenge project alongside the folder housing our predictions, but I'm not sure if the event organizers are capable of seeing this file. I wasn't able to discern clear guidelines on this from the challenge Wiki, and any further guidance would be greatly appreciated. My apologies if I have missed something obvious. Thanks in advance.

Created by ebahl
Yes. Going to send instructions tonight on this. Everyone will have several weeks to submit workouts write ups and code (even if not perfect) that was used to get the results that were submitted.
Hi Anshul - Just wanted to confirm that you will be letting all team members know about the methods write-up requirements/deadlines, and not just the submitter? Just in case emails get neglected from the person who actually submitted the files...
We will let you know about write up submission instructions next week. You don't need to submit them right now.

methods write-up? page is loading…