

Created By Matt msoloway

sex: Female
assay: RNA-seq
tissue: primary tumor
runType: pairedEnd
species: Mus musculus
studyId: syn51133963
dataType: geneExpression
platform: Illumina NextSeq 500
diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis type 1
studyName: DHART SPORE Project 4 Phase 1 - Subsequent Malignant Neoplasms (SMNs) Among NF1 Cancer Survivors
studySite: UCSF: Jean Nakamura
tumorType: Sarcoma
accessType: PRIVATE
caseNumber: 3B_00002465D5
fileFormat: fastq
initiative: Developmental and HyperActive Ras Tumor Specialized Programs of Research Excellence
isCellLine: Yes
isStranded: Yes
readLength: 75
specimenID: 3B
dataSubtype: raw
libraryPrep: Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA
nf1Genotype: -/-
individualID: 3
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: NIH-NCI
isMultiSpecimen: No
specimenIdSource: UNC TGL
isMultiIndividual: No

181220_NS500276_0152_AHWC5YBGX7_CTTGTAA_195107_S4_R2_001.fastq.gz page is loading…