I'm finding that some of the annotated leaderboard mappings have references to DataElement IDs that are not in the provided caDSR export. For example in the Outcome-Predictors annotations:
days_to_tumor_recurrence - 6154731
time_to_progression - 2608243
progSurvTime - 5143957
From the online [CDE Browser](https://cdebrowser.nci.nih.gov/cdebrowserClient/cdeBrowser.html#/search) it seems that these elements are in 'DRAFT NEW' status.
Are these the correct annotations? And if so, is there a different version of the caDSR export that we should be using as reference?
Created by tconfrey Hi Tony,
Thank you for pointing this out. The annotations are correct, those are the best matching CDEs that we could find when searching manually. We have regenerated the dump file to include the "DRAFT NEW" statuses. It will be posted shortly.
Good luck and take care.
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