Hi, I submitted my repository for scoring on Friday 17th and received an average score which was 1/3 of the one I got on the leaderboard for round 2, but what was most concerning is the negative score for `ROI-Masks = -0.0004`. Based on the scoring algorithm I didn't think it was possible get a score less than 0. Is there a bug with the current scoring system or datasets, or was the submission that bad? Kind regards, Josh

Created by JoshReed
Hi @JoshReed, Thank you for the reminder! Things have been a bit hectic as of late, so we really appreciate your and everyone's patience. I did put in a fix for the negative scoring (and have re-run your submission accordingly); the other outstanding scoring issues should be fixed by EOD tomorrow. Best, Verena
Hi Josh, I'm pinging others in the group to give you an ETA. Sorry for the delay! Regards, Gilberto
Hi @v.chung , Is there an ETA on a scoring fix? I have noticed others are also having issues with the scoring and I would rather not make any submissions until a fix has been found. Kind regards, Josh
Dear @JoshReed, Thank you for bringing this to our attention! You are correct -- a negative score should not be returned at all. We will be looking into this further, and once we find a fix, I will re-run your submission so that the scores are reflected correctly. Apologies for the inconvenience! Best, Verena

Possible to get negative score for a dataset? page is loading…