Hopefully you all received an email from Eric explaining that we have extended Round 3 to May 15th, with the Validation Phase opening May 18th and closing May 29th. There were file updates and a fix to the scoring that may impact results, so please be sure to resubmit! We hope all top performers will submit in Round 3 to see if they can top their previous best score! We also are aware that responding to the workplace disruptions and changes to adapt to the Coronavirus pandemic "stay-at-home" orders, along with the school closings, and the two government initiatives for Pay Protection Program weren't too disruptive for folks in being able to complete their submissions. Best of luck to all!

Created by Denise Warzel DeniseWarzel
The Validation phase submission deadline has been extended to 6 pm PDT (8 pm EDT, 12:00 UTC) **June 2**.

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