Hi All,
I am trying to submit our write-up to the challenge.
I suppose the blue button on the main page, or on this page: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18065891/wiki/600443 should say "Submit Writeup" or something similar. Instead it reads "Unavailable".
We submitted our docker image on May 27, and we got a confirmation in an email.
Let us know what we need to do in order to submit the write-up.
Attila L. Egyedi
Created by Attila L. Egyedi attila.egyedi Hi @tconfrey ,
Thank you for the notice! I have found the source of the error you received.
Verena FWIW our initial submission failed. I found this in the logs:
STDERR: 2020-06-05T21:06:34.548554868Z Invalid Name: 'Archived caAnnotator: A Search Engine for Cancer Metadata Annotation. 1591391180852 9704846 syn21707839'. Names may only contain: letters, numbers, spaces, underscores, hyphens, periods, plus signs, and parentheses
It seems that our project name having a colon ':' caused the submission to fail. @attila.egyedi ,
Great question! You actually do not need to re-submit after every edit; because you are submitting the entire Project as the submission, we will have access to every change made to the writeup. Please ensure your writeup will also include your models in the Docker tab as well!
Verena Hi @v.chung ,
Thank you, yes, now the button is active, that was a quick fix :)
Did I got that right that we can submit several times, and only the last one will be taken into account? I just want to be sure that everything will go well with our final revision of the write-up tomorrow.
Attila Hi @attila.egyedi ,
I looked into it; can you check to see if you can submit it now?