Hi Meredith and Brian, Can you please describe how other members of each Ki GC grantee team can access this project, the Synapse training materials that are stored here and sign up for the Grand Challenges team? Thank you, Thea

Created by Thea Norman Thea
Hi @Thea , The [main wiki](#!Synapse:syn18077826/wiki/588371) of this page lists the three steps that are needed to get onto the team: 1. [Register](https://www.synapse.org/register) for Synapse. 1. Join the @GCIndiaParticipants team by clicking [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Team:3385174) and clicking the "Join" button. 1. Get certified to upload files to Synapse: https://www.synapse.org/#!Quiz: The training materials have just been uploaded. - The slides are available at syn18476061. - The handout is available at syn18423275. Thanks!

How do Ki GC grantee team members access and sign up for this site? page is loading…