**Welcome to all interested applicants!** Please introduce yourself and your scientific interests to the community. We can use this as a forum to meet other interested scientists and to potentially meet new collaborators! -> If you are a public health scientist with a data set that can be analyzed based on some hypotheses you have, do explain your problem and maybe you can find data scientists who may have the right expertise here's a ([primer](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18378391/wiki/588804) for you on data science) -> If you are data scientist, you can talk about your expertise (say in image processing or large data sets) and your interest in public health (here's a [primer](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18378391/wiki/588803) for you maternal and public health)

Created by Ryan Hafen rhafen
Finally our study team managed to submit a proposal. I can confirm that the application process in this call was really rigorous with elaborate system security checks. To succeed in submitting a proposal, collaboration with giant research institutions and reknown research scientist could not be avoided. We had to switch from one research center to another one testing if the research center is recognized untill we settled in one.
I am also very surprised to see that the application round closed at 1700 GMT? Despite the clear statements on this portal and on the application website that : Call closes on 26 April 2019 2000hrs GMT
Dear administrator I was trying to submit and now it is saying application closed. I had thought the application portal closes at 2000GMT. The major challenge i have had also is that it is not recognizing Zimbabwe and the institution i work for. Help please.
Hello Everyone. I am Gebretsadik Shibre, public health expert and lecturer at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. I am very much interested to collaborate with you to carry out innovative studies to improve the health outcomes of mothers and children in Africa. I am specifically interested in the Bayesian hierarchical techniques to identify patterns and forecast from real-world data and evidence and in mechanistic models for establishing the relationship between interventions and their related outcomes. Anyone who has an interest in those areas can help me to reach out an established group. Many thank you.
Hi @echimusa Nice to meet you here, could you please send your contact details, I want to see if I can link you up with someone.
Good day, A friend just sent me the link to this challenge. My name is Yinka, a Data Scientist with a financial institution in Nigeria. I have assembled a team of 3 Data Scientist (2 from Nigeria and 1 from Mozambique). We have a combined experience of over 14 years? worth of expertise in building machine learning models, obtaining insights from Big data, telling a story with visualisation tools such as Qlik and Power BI etc. We also have a track record of being placed in the top 1% of leaders in various Data Science competitions. We are keen in utilising our eclectic skill sets to solve this problem. More importantly, we are looking to partner with Public health professionals for their domain knowledge and expertise. You can reach me on my contacts below. It?s not too late to jointly submit an application!!! Regards, Yinka (DrFad) fadahunsiyinka@gmail.com whatsapp(+2348099443670)
I am Clement Shiluli. Molecular biologist
I am Clement Shiluli, molecular biologist
Hello everyone. I am Dr Kudzai Pisirai Elliot Masunda from Zimbabwe. I am a medical doctor and a public health specialist. I am interested in the grant to be able to improve the maternal and child health outcomes as we try to accelerate to reach the target for the SDGs. We have a high burden of HIV as is with most sub saharan african countries and also a high burden of communicable diseases and i would like to use the available data that we have to reanalyse it and apply geospatial analytics to determine the risk factors and the equity gaps in the socio-economic determinants of health and the health care system. I am looking for collaborators for the data analysis and geospatial analysis. Regards
@Calleb @DrPaul as per our phone discussion, kindly share the current document.
Hello Everyone, I am Paul, a medical doctor and currently studying mph. I practise in a rural community here in Nigeria and i'm interested in maternal and child health. Would love to collaborate in studies related to MCH. Thanks for inviting me @ ND
@DrPaul Welcome
Hello, I am ND, public health scientist with interest in Hypertensive Disorder in Pregnancy (HDiP). Skilled in the use of STATA, R and SPSS. Ready to collaborate with scientist(s) that share the same interest.
I am looking for a team to join. My name is Eliford. I am a pharmacometrician. I use R for data science. My education and experience can be found at my LinkedIn page. Some of my work can be found at my GitHub page (https://github.com/eliford) and Rshinyapps (https://eliford.shinyapps.io/pmrprojectapp/; http://eliford.shinyapps.io/shyneapp) My email address is engaimisi@gmail.com. Thanks
Hellow colleagues We are almost ready with the propoasl. However, the system has refused to recognize the word Kenya, my country and so, we are stuck to submit. Can someone help please so that we can share. We cannot submit because the system has refused to validate the word Kenya under country.
Good morning @ahunoski and @Mogre, I trust you are doing great. I believe we can form a formidable team and considering the expertise each of us has. If you guys are interested in the team, send me an email to jotoo011@st.ug.edu.gh. Best regards.
My name is Victor Mogre. I am a lecturer with the University for Development Studies, Ghana. I am a nutritionists and a behavioural scientists. My research interests are nutrition, obesity and chronic disease management including diabetes. I am also interested in coming out with behavioural interventions towards behaviour change. I am ready for any form of collaboration to apply for the funding.
Hello I am Haward Ketoyo, a mathematician doing research in Maine Learning
**Note to all applicants**: In the news updates section of this website, we have posted a list of tips to help applicants write a more successful proposal. You can find these here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18378391/wiki/588806.
Nice to meet you, I am happy to work together with others.
Hello, everyone. I am Tosin Kuti. Public Health Physician and interested in data analytics application in global health issues .
Okay- I have seen a couple of researchers here who are open to working together. I'll start contacting you ;) Thanks Sam
Hi there, I'm Samuel from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. with interest in bioinformatics. Is there a team open to new members with assigned roles? How do we get data for work? Please advice Sam
Some of you asked about examples of what can be funded and what can't. Make sure you check this page: https://aesa.ac.ke/aesa/en/programmes/grand-challenges-africa/funding-opportunities/
I am Genet Shanko a Ph.D. candidate in IT Doctoral program in AAU, Ethiopia , work in appropriating mobile technology for illiterate user , using andriod and expert system ( machine learning)
Hello All, I am Emile R. Chimusa from the university of Cape Town. I have a great interest and expertise in machine learning, Bayesian algorithm and approaches of prediction and sampling in omics data science. I look for partnership for the application to leveraging a novel machine intelligence approach to mine the mother/child data sets for wellness of both child and mother and derive public policies framework in due course. Looking forward to collaborate with interred African scientist
@Kananura great.
@Phuti I am in Uganda. Below are actually my objectives and their respective research questions. Let me have your comments . I would be happy also to collaborate with someone 1. To assess the newborn mortality pathways, (we shall pool and analyse all the Uganda DHS datasets.) **Questions: ** a. How does birth weight affect newborn survival? b. Ho do health interventions? access affect newborn survival? c. How do community and family characteristics affect the survival of newborns? d. What is the effect of maternal characteristics on newborn survival? **Analysis approach: ** Structural Equation and geo-spatial analysis techniques modelling approach 2. To assess the health facility-based birth outcomes across districts and regions in Uganda (we shall use the DHIS2 data for the last 10 years) **Questions: ** a. What is the variation in maternal and newborn mortalities across facility levels? b. What is the variation in maternal and newborn mortalities across districts and regions? **Analysis approach:** use spatial analysis techniques. The data will be analysed using R-statistical software. 3: To determine the newborn at high-risk of mortality in Uganda (we shall use the BOLD data that is collected from women at the health facility during labour and delivery). **Questions: ** a. Who are the newborns at high risk of mortality given their individual characteristics? b. Who are the newborns at high risk of mortality given their mothers characteristics? b. Who are the newborns at high risk of mortality given the place of birth? **Analysis approach:** We shall apply regression tree analysis techniques in order to identify the new-borns at high risk of death. The data will be analysed using R-statistical software.
@Kananura, please contact me on innocentgerald@yahoo.co.uk to discuss this further.
@Calleb It is great to hear that you have a strong collaboration for this proposal and Your objectives seem to cover the analysis of relevant data sets that address this call proposal. All the best and do pose any question you may have. @ioasaolu where are you based?
@Innocent we could collaborate. I am working on something for Uganda using different datasets
Hi Innocent and Friends Please welcome. happy to meet you here. please get in touch with me for more ground work
Hi @Bellah, it would be great to collaborate!
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone, This is Angeline Yalwala - Grants Officer for Grand Challenges Africa Programme, we are excited to see the interesting conversations on this forum and we look forward to receiving your applications ! Keep the interesting conversation rolling! Best wishes, Angeline
Sure, Many thanks.
Good to hear @DNA ! keep in mind that the main investigators should be African based. Good luck! Let us know if you have questions
Great! Will work on that ASAP
We are currently fine tunning the main objectives and hypothesis.
Hi, Amel, Yep, I have a team in Ghana and three other African countries other parts (Europe, USA) on this. Very optimistic about it. Will keep you updated this week. Best, DNA
Welcome @Dmac! As discussed via email, I think it would be good to reach out to Muhimbili National hospital in Dar and partner with teams who might have relevant data for the call.
@DNA good to see you joined this discussion. Are you planning to partner with a specific team in Ghana (or the region) who has data?
Hi, I am Dina, a data scientist based in Tanzania. I am interested to reach out a team responding to the proposal from Muhimbili University. My interest is Bioinformatics tools development.
Hello Everyone, I am Dr. Ibitola (Tola) Asaolu, a public health scientist with expertise in epidemiology, statistics, and maternal and child health. I am interested in using data analytics in improving health outcomes and health systems especially among women and children in African countries.
Hi Rornald! Welcome and move fast. You are at the right place.
Hi. This is Kananura Rornald. I want to apply for the grand challenge and would want to apply geospatial analysis to measure variation in child health and mortality and machine learning for determining the high-risk groups. I am looking for a collaborator and mentor in such machine learning and geospatial data analysis techniques.
Collaboration Yes, so far we have joined hands with Prof. Dennis Ikpe of Michigan State University, Dr. Lilian Ogonda of Maseno University, Prof. Atieno Amadi of Great Lakes University and Dr. Bernard Guyah of Maseno University. Collectively, we are working on this proposal. More are joining the team.
Greetings all It is great and wonderful to work together. Ideed after joining this link, i have been greatly guided, thanks alot to mr. Phuti for guidence. In summery, i take note of the followings Aim of the study: To examine the existing multi-source-African data to establish the impact of social, economical and enviromental factors on the overall maternal and childhood health outcome. Specific objectives: 1. To apply innovative analysis of data to reveal pattern in the existing data. 2. To identify the under-explored subset data, and examine them to establish any association with the overal poor health outcome 3. Identify innovative ways that can support vulnerable population (Mothers, children and single parented households) Based on objective 3, can the idea of "Using Android and Open Data Kit Technoogy to capture Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health events for the purpose of informing the central command to provide immediate intervention be a good idea?
Hi. I am Isabel and a public health specialist based in Lesotho. My interest is in development of data analytics tools that can flag at risk pregnant women timely before they reach the labour stages.
Hi All It is great to have you all on this Platform, @DNA @JOtoo @LA07 @denmaths hope you are all working on your proposal for this call and using all the material on this site to your advantage. I encourage you all to pose questions if you have regarding your proposals. There are only three weeks left before the deadline. @Calleb Please note that the call looks to analyse the existing data sets and not the one you are still going to produce during your studies. I am glad that you are looking for collaboration, have you succeeded in that yet? Regards Phuti
Hi David Nana! Please welcome to the group. I hope we are all working on the proposal. Please share what you have.
Excited to meet you all.
Hi all, My name is David Nana Adjei A Lecturer with the university of Ghana and Statistical geneticist with expertise in data mining, forecasting and modelling of large data sets and dynamic systems. I hold a PhD in Biostatistics and Epidemiology from the University of Amsterdam.
Hello Lorna Welcome to our collaboration network. Nice to meet you. We shall share and learn alot.
Hello, I am Lorna from Uganda currently pursuing a masters degree in Biostatistics. My public health interest is generally in the area of malaria in infants and pregnant women.
Greetings all My name is George Calleb Onyango, pre-doctoral student, Maseno University, Kenya. As part of my Thesis project, am currently conducting a research titled " Using Android and Open Data Kit Technoogy to Strengthen Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health in Kisumu County, Western Kenya". I'm looking for more collaborators who can join me in this project before the closer of the proposal calls. If you are interested, please write to me your committment letter for this study to include your expertise, biography, location, what you do now and your area of interest. Best regards George Calleb Onyango +254720775249 Kisumu, Kenya
Hello, This is Dennis, a statistician at the African Institute for mathematical sciences, south Africa.
Welcome @Calleb and @Phuti ! I hope as more people join this discussion forum you will find it useful for meeting others and getting any questions answered.
Hi, I am Phuti Chelopo-Mgobozi, I am a research scientist based in Pretoria, South Africa
I am Calleb Onyango, a public health scientist
Welcome @JOtoo !
I am Joseph Otoo a data scientist with expertise in large data sets.