Dear all, Great initiative, thanks to the organisers! I am currently unable to validate my test SC1 predictions after following the instructions outlined under Submitting Predictions. To be sure, I i) kept the order in annSC1_v11_nokey.csv, which presumably is the same in the example submission shown with the five first entries, and ii) rounded GA to one decimal place, and finally iii) my submission files were saved as tab-delimited (i.e. sep = "\t"), with shape 368 x 2. The error reported back by email is the following: Error in (function (pred, gold) : Prediction file must have the correct number of rows and columns Am I missing something here? Regards, Francisco

Created by Francisco de Abreu e Lima monogenea
Thanks, both!
Thanks Francisco, Or simply use write.csv write.csv(a,file="mypred.csv",row.names=FALSE) where a is a data frame with the two columns, and a$GA is has to be numeric.
Hi Caroline, Sorry to jump in - you should have no quotes around the values. Try `quote = F` in your CSV writing call. Best, Francisco
Caroline, Try removing quotes from the file and that should do it. The error you get is related to that, since the numeric values are assessed as characters and then converted into a factor by R. Yes, we have several scored submissions so far. Adi
Hi Adi, Thanks for your reply. I did what you said-and it's not that. Opening the prediction file I do, indeed, have 2 columns separated by a comma. In Notepad the entries appear inside "", whereas in Excel they do not have "". What does the error "level sets of factors are different " mean? Caroline. PS Have you had any successful submissions so far?
Hi Caroline, It may be that by default, R has added row names when saving your predictions data frame. Open your prediction file with a text editor and see if indeed you have only 2 columns separated by coma. I hope this helps, Adi
Dear Adi, Enjoying the challenge! Please help me out with correcting the following error which I get when submitting my file Error in Ops.factor(p$SampleID, g$SampleID) : level sets of factors are different It's a .csv file. The column names are set to "SampleID" and "GA" as shown in the example. It has been created in R and exported. (I have tried submitting without the column names too, but that gives error: Error in (function (pred, gold) : Prediction file must have the correct number of rows and columns) Best regards, Caroline.
Dear Adi, Thanks, problem solved. Francisco
Dear Francisco, You are right, we were actually expecting a comma delimited (.csv) file similar to the example provided (TeamX_SC1_prediction.csv). We have now edited the description page accordingly: "Predictions must be submitted as a comma delimited (.csv) file.". Sorry for the trouble. Adi

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