Dear all, Could you please clarify a point on the maximum predictions submission limit: If we are registered as a team, do we have max 5 submissions between us? or each? Thanks, Caroline.

Created by SystemsBioCaroline
Hello doubleG. The submission are counted for the team, so if you have 2 people in a team, then you have 5 total submissions for your team. The DREAM challenges run on a set of good faith principles. We do monitor submission and we know which account has submitted and which team individuals are registered with.If there are anomalies, we will step in and discuss issues with participants. In other words, we trust but verify. I hope that clarifies things. Thanks Jim
Hello, I would like to further clarify-- if I am in a team of 2, do we get 15 total submission (5 for the team and 5 each individually), or just 5 for the team? If only 5, what happens if I click "submit individually" when I go to submit? Thank you.
The limit of 5 submissions to the leaderboard and one final submission (to be used in the team ranking) is for a given team for the entire duration of the sub-challenge.
Another question: A colleague just asked me to ask you: Is it 5 submissions per team **per day?**
Dear Adi, Thanks for the clarification. James, Absolutely! I just wanted to be 100% clear when communicating with my team mates about the limit. There are 5 of us! Many thanks, Caroline.
Caroline, just to add a bit to Adi's response, we work on the honor system for the DREAM Challenges along with the principles that we set out. We also have some guidelines laid out in the Challenge rules regarding teams and individuals. We encourage you to join teams and make submissions as teams, but a team can be one individual of course. We ask that whatever team you are on be the one with the 5 submission limit. We ask that you not change teams just to get more submissions, this would be gaming the system and we will catch that as we have all this information on submission. We are also not trying to restrict anyone, so if there is a reason for you to change teams, just let us know so you dont impact the new team's submissions for example. We ask that you work on principals of fairness to your fellow DREAM participants.
hi Caroline, The limit is 5 SCORED submissions per team for each sub-challenge. The scoring script runs every 10 minutes, and unless there are issues with the email systems on either end, you should receive an email that the submission was validated and another one with the score (RMSE).

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