Hi guys, When I submit my predictions, I get this message by mail: Error in (function (pred, gold) : Prediction file column 'GA' must have all numerical values between 8 and 42 Eventhough, I checked all the values and there no value smaller than 8 or bigger than 42 Can you tell me what is the problem?

Created by UniMaasAmm
You were right, my mistake. The numbers can not be equal to 8 and 42. That was the problem. Thank you. It works now.
Assuming that there are no quotes around your GA or any reason that R would see those entries as a character values instead of numeric, then the problem may be that you have values of 8 and 42, which are not allowed: "Prediction file column 'GA' must have all numerical values >8 and <42"
Thank you for your response. Actually, my point was not the message itself but why I receive it. My GA column contains only numerical values in the range [8,42] but I still receive an error with this message. Can you tell me what is wrong?? Does the sample names have to be ordered as in the example file or not?? Thanks
Thanks for point this out. The error message was now revised to say: "Prediction file column 'GA' must have all numerical values >8 and <42"

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