Hi, How can we know that which sample IDs belong to the same participant? Thank you!

Created by minkyu
OK. Thank you?
Predictions in subchallenge 1 are being made using data from one blood draw (microarray) only, even though the training and test sets feature samples taken at different time points from about 80 unique patients.
Thank you. But for the challenge 1, it says "In sub-challenge 1, gene expression profiles obtained by Human Transcriptome Arrays (HTA 2.0) in about 5 samples collected longitudinally from 78 women (n=367 samples) will be provided for training prediction models. " Then how to know which 5 samples belong to the same person?
Hi, for subchallenge 1 you can not have access to this information, but it will be provided for subchallenge 2.

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