Hi, I read the instructions on submitting code and method write up but I am still confused. It says participants will be invited to submit after the last round. Does that mean that we have to submit after Aug 15? I am hoping that we can submit before that as all our team members will be on vacation from next week. Thanks, Wendy

Created by Wendy Wong shukwong
@bcbuprb Great, thanks!
Thanks @bcbuprb. I have shared the project with @Challenge-Admin with "can download" option. Would it be enough until I make it open to public when I come back on Aug 19?
We do realize that most of the focus will be on getting the best prediction in, and people tend to worry about writeups after that is done. This is why we allow and additional week after submissions close (Aug 15) to improve the writeups and double check your analysis scripts. However, a basic/preliminary write-up has to be submitted according to the challenge rules, and at minimum to be shared with the organizers.
@bcbuprb, just wanted to clarify the deadline for submission of the method writeup and the code. I just saw on the latest email on the sub challenge 1 logistics that we are allowed up to one week to submit the write up. So as long as we submit it by Aug 22 we will still be qualified? I am back from vacation on Aug 19 so I can submit it then. Thanks, Wendy
hi, The best of the 5 submissions will be selected as the final submission for the team. No additional, final submission is needed. For the write-up, change permissions to share with the admin team. This way we can see the content of the write-up, although it may look to be an invalid submission (since it is not public). As soon as you can after the deadline you can change the status to public.
Thanks Jim! We are currently #4 and we have used up our 5 chances :) I am more worried about whether there is a Aug 15 deadline as I am not sure if we have access to the computer to submit the write up and code then (I am leaving for Africa on Aug 9). The write up and code are currently in a private project at Synapse. Is there an official submission of the prediction other than the 5 submissions we make? Wendy
Hi Wendy, We want you guys to focus on building the best models and get your submission in on time, so make sure you have your official submission in before the submission queue closes. A criteria for being included in the challenge overview paper is to make your submission public, supply your code, and provide a write up of the method. This can be done after you make your submissions as it will take additional time for you to provide a well-written methods write-up. You are welcome to turn that in before the submission queue closes, but we do not require this. Additionally, to be eligible to be invited to give a talk at the conference should your team be a top performer, we require these items to be submitted. I hope that makes sense. Best of luck, Jim

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