Dear Preterm Birth Prediction Challenge Participants, We are now 1 week from the submission deadline for sub-challenge 1. The organizers would like to thank all participants for the interest and clarify a few points about the logistics that will happen between subchallenge 1 & 2, along with the validation of the subchallenge 1 submissions. * The subchallenge 1 leaderboard will close at 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time on August 15. This time has been set so Synpase will close exactly at this time. * Teams are allowed 5 submissions to the subchallenge 1 leaderboard. This is the only leaderboard for this subchallenge and no additional submissions will be allowed per team. * For the purpose of team performance ranking, we will select the best scoring submission per team and rank all teams accordingly. If for some reason you would not like us to retain the best scoring submission as your official team submission, then please include this in your method writeup (the synapse id of the submission you prefer). There are many reasons why you may not want the top scoring method, such as not being able to reproduce the predictions. * After the leaderboard closes, we expect that your method write-ups will be made public and your code used to generate your team?s best submission will be made public. This is required criteria for being considered for an invited talk at the Nov 4 DREAM conference and to be included in the author list of the Challenge overview manuscript (submission to Nature Communications). You are welcome to keep your methods private until after the leaderboard closes. We will allow up to 1 week (Aug 22, 11:59 PST) for teams to make edits to their write-ups. * The Validation phase is when the Challenge organizers will go through the write-ups of every team and verify that the top performing team code produces the associated top performing submission. * On Aug 16, 1.00 am PST, the Synapse page for the preterm birth challenge will be updated to include all additional details and data for sub-challenge 2 (prediction of preterm birth). * The submission queue for the subchallenge 2 leaderboard will be open on August 22, 2019. We will send out another email to notify participants when the subchallenge 2 leaderboard is open. Note that the same 5 submission limit will be applied to subchallenge 2 as well. The same Synapse page used for write-up of subchallenge 1 should include a separate section for methods used in subchallenge 2, or it will be a new wiki page for those only participating in subchallenge 2. Good luck to all on your final submissions and please post any questions to this thread. -Challenge organizers

Created by James Costello james.costello

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