Hi I've completed the prediction results. In addition, I tired multiple times for submitting my code and manuscript. However I received same error messages from Dream. "This is the writeup submission queue - submission must be a Synapse Project. Please submit to the subchallenge queues for prediction file submissions." Of course, the setting of my project was shared with Dream PTB organizers and participants. Please, advise. Thank you. Hanna

Created by hyojung paik hyojung
Thanks Tom.
Dear @RNI_group, I can confirm that your writeup is accessible. Thanks! Best, Tom
We have created the wiki page, apologies for submitting PDF file earlier. Could you confirm that the write up is accesible by you? Thanks.
Hi Thomas, Thank you very much. :) Kind regards, Sinkala
Dear all, I added better instructions [here](#!Synapse:syn18380862/wiki/590818). Apologies for the inconvenience. Best, Tom
Hello all, You will have to go [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18380862/wiki/590487) to step 5 and "Submit To Challenge". From there, you will have to select the project you have created which has a wiki page with your writeup. Submit that project and you should be finished! Your project will also have to be public. Best, Tom
I am also getting the same error message

Regarding submission of code & write up page is loading…