Dear All, Today is the deadline for submitting your code and method write ups for Subchallenge 1. Please make sure to follow the instructions for ?Submitting Writeups? under the ?How to Participate? subpage of the challenge website:!Synapse:syn18380862/wiki/590818 Please keep in mind that we expect participants/teams to provide their code and method write-ups to be eligible for any incentives for the challenge. This includes being listed in the ?Preterm Birth DREAM Challenge Community? which will be included as co-author on the main challenge manuscript to be submitted to Nature Communications. Additionally, to be eligible to be invited to the DREAM conference (with travel support), we also require that the code and write-ups be supplied along with validation that the code reproduces the associated submission. Kind Regards, Preterm Birth Challenge Organizers.

Created by James Costello james.costello
Dear Jinseub, Thanks for checking in. Your submission is in the final leaderboard. Best, Tom
Dear Tom Thank you for your effort. I was able to submit write-up successfully. But there is still no information in the final rank. Please check again. Best, Jinseub
Dear @jinhwa, You should be able to submit the writeup now. Best, Tom
Dear Tom Thank you for the answer. I tried to submit writeup as the user but I got the message as below. "Submitter may not submit as an individual when having submitted as part of a Team." Please let me know how to submit writeup as the user. Best, Jinseub
Dear @jinhwa , I see that you have submitted as a new team. You have to submit as the user you submitted as to the main challenge. Best, Tom
Dear organizers We submitted write-up and got the email on 17AUG2019 as below. But there is no our team information for the final rank. Please check it. Our team name is "HWANG_LAB" and my individual ID is "jinhwa". BEST Jinseub ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello JINSEUB HWANG, We have received your submission to the Preterm Birth Prediction Challenge Writeup and confirmed that it is correctly formatted. submission name: HWANG_LAB_Writeup_for_Wiki submission ID: 9690762 If you have questions, please ask on the forums at!Synapse:syn18380862/discussion/default or refer to the challenge instructions which can be found at!Synapse:syn18380862. Sincerely, The Challenge Admin
Thanks a lot
Only for your best submission, which we assume is the one you want to be included in the final team rankings. If you would like to use another submission besides your best scoring submission, then make sure this is stated in your write-up and then the write-up and code should match that submission.
Hi, Do we have to submit code and write-up for all the five submissions, or only for the best-scored model? Thanks

Method write-ups and Code due August 22 at 11:59 PST page is loading…