Dear DREAM PTB Challenge Participants, This is a note to let you know that we have updated the wiki page for SC2 (section Data files provided) to list the a file that contains the preprocessed and merged training and test gene expression data as well as the sample information. This should be a convenient entry point into the challenge for those who do not want explore other data preprocessing and merging options. Note that the file was made available since the sub-challenge launch, but it was not listed on the wiki page until now. Below is the relevant information added: eset_SC2_v20.RData: This .RData file contains two objects: esetSC2: Gene level combined training and test set gene expression matrix obtained using prepare_data_SC2.R (29459 genes x 739) samples, and anoSC2: that contains the same sample information for the 739 samples as the file anoSC2_v20_nokey.csv. The organizers

Created by Adi Tarca bcbuprb

Updated documentation of data files provided for SC2 page is loading…