Our team submitted two prediction files yesterday (submission ID: 9696300 and 9696298), and we received the confirmation emails saying the format is correct. However, we don't see our scores on the leaderboard today; Other groups submitted after us have scores already. We noticed that sc2 rule has changed, but we still want to get feedback from the leaderboard scores. So please let us know if there are issues with our csv files or submissions. Thanks!

Created by tc_genomics
Thank you for the help.
The issue is now fixed. There was a communication issue between synapse servers and scoring servers.
Thank you for the help! The challenge organizers will look into this. Best, Robert
Below are the plain text of the emails. We did make some invalid submissions with immediate error emails. These two we received confirmation emails. Thanks Submission received to Preterm Birth Prediction subchallenge 2 Inbox x Adi Tarca Dec 5, 2019, 9:40 PM (14 hours ago) to me Hello tc_genomics, We have received your submission to the Preterm Birth Prediction subchallenge 2 and confirmed that it is correctly formatted. submission name: preterm_birth_1.csv submission ID: 9696298 If you have questions, please ask on the forums at https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18380862/discussion/default or refer to the challenge instructions which can be found at https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18380862. Sincerely, The Challenge Admin Adi Tarca Dec 5, 2019, 9:40 PM (14 hours ago) to me Hello tc_genomics, We have received your submission to the Preterm Birth Prediction subchallenge 2 and confirmed that it is correctly formatted. submission name: preterm_birth_2.csv submission ID: 9696300 If you have questions, please ask on the forums at https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18380862/discussion/default or refer to the challenge instructions which can be found at https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18380862. Sincerely, The Challenge Admin
Can you copy and paste the text of the email you received? On my end it looks like 9696300 and 9696298 were marked invalid. Thanks, Robert

sc2 submissions are not shown on the leaderboard page is loading…