Dear all, TCR and BCR diversity statistics have been added to the [synthetic data subset](syn18637078) and the full synthetic data that hosted on the synthetic validation queue. This data is part of the clinical file. Please check the [data sub wiki](!Synapse:syn18404605/wiki/607227) for details on its structure. Regards, Mike Mason

Created by Mike Mason Michael.Mason
Dear @GarrettGraham , Below is a snippet of the R Code I used to process output from MiXCR. This code was ran on each f = "sample.clonotypes.ALL.txt" file. ``` tDat <- fread(f, data.table=F) BCR_dat <- tDat[grepl("^IG",tDat$allVHitsWithScore),] TCR_dat <- tDat[grepl("^TR",tDat$allVHitsWithScore),] BCR_p <- BCR_dat$cloneCount/sum(BCR_dat$cloneCount) TCR_p <- TCR_dat$cloneCount/sum(TCR_dat$cloneCount) BCR_Shannon <- -sum(BCR_p*log(BCR_p)) TCR_Shannon <- -sum(TCR_p*log(TCR_p)) BCR_Richness <- length(BCR_p) TCR_Richness <- length(TCR_p) BCR_Evenness <- BCR_Shannon / BCR_Richness TCR_Evenness <- TCR_Shannon / TCR_Richness ``` I hope this helps. Sincerely, Mike
Dear Michael, Thank you for providing these additional statistics. To make use of this information, it would be helpful if you could also make a note of how these statistics are generated (including exact command-line params to mixcr) and process for summarization to population statistics, as we will need to generate similar statistics for training samples if we are going to use this information. Thanks! Garrett
Dear Dong, There is no genomic sequencing (WES nor WGS) that will be made available for these samples. Kind Regards, Mike
Dear Verena, The genome sequencing data from these patients can be provided in recent days? Dong
Thank you :)
Hi @rABiT , Thank you for the notice! I have updated the permissions, so you should be able to view and download the data subset now. Let me know if you are still having issues. -Verena
Hi Michael, I am not able to access the folder. It shows "You are not authorized to access the page requested." Thank you.

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