Hello! I had troubles registering a team for this contest. Both team members have registered for the challenge, but I still get an error message "User not registered". Any pointers? Thanks

Created by Anupama Reddy anupamareddy
Dear @kongpsx , Thanks for participating in this challenge. Please note that if you submit separately and are still on a team registered for the Challenge, the submission will count towards your team's total quota. Additionally, if one of the models submitted individually is a top perfroming model it may result in only the person who submitted it being awarded top performer status. @thomas.yu do you have any insight on this issue?
Great, thank you @vchung for the clarifications.
Hi @kongpsx, From [**Webinar Questions**](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18404605/wiki/607473): >**Which of the two submissions are considered for final evaluation during the Validation Phase?** >We will consider the last submitted model as your final submission, not the best-performing model of the two. If you and your team member have different models that you would like considered for the challenge, it may be better to submit individually as participants rather than together as a team.
Hi @abowardh , Your question on the differences between the phases is answered here, in [**Webinar Questions**](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18404605/wiki/607473) under **Submissions/Scoring**: >**What is the difference between the Synthetic Validation Phase and Validation Phase?** >The Synthetic Validation Phase is a month long and will be utilized to test whether your model can ingest the challenge data correctly to produce a valid formatted predictions file. SCORES ARE NOT RETURNED DURING THIS PHASE. It is simply used to test your models. Log files will be available during this phase to help with debugging your models. > >The Validation Phase, on the other hand, is two weeks long and will NOT return any log files. Scores, however, will be returned if your submitted model is valid. Data description is found [**here**](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18404605/wiki/607227). Also, as your question is unrelated to the topic of this thread, please create a new thread in the future. This will help keep the Discussion Forums organized for yourself and others. Thank you!
Hi @vchung, As a follow up then... how will this look in the final submission phase? Say my team member and I both have models we want to submit as our final models. Can we still do that, or do we only get one final submission for the team? Thanks, Sarah
Hi @tolgaturant , Great question! Anyone from the team can submit (make sure to select **I am submitting as part of a team** when prompted), however, keep in mind that there is a daily submission of one during this current phase. This will essentially mean you and your team members will have to take turns submitting your models.
Hello! I have related question about the team submissions. If we form a team, can the individual team members submit separate models or the team has to submit one model? Thanks, Tolga
What is the difference between the model to be submit in synthetic validation phase and to be submit final models in validation phase? please, I want to know link at website that suitable for formatting of data in validation phase.
Hi @thomas.yu It worked! Thanks :)
Hi @anupamareddy, Apologies again. Please try now. Best, Tom
Thank you @thomas.yu . I still get an error message -- For input string: " 4336" Best, Anupama
Hi @anupamareddy , Apologies, but I resolved the issue now. You should be able to register your team now. Best, Tom
Dear Anupama, I think you have checked out this link [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18404605/wiki/607229)? Step 2 should link to helpful docs like this one ([here](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/teams.html#creating-a-team)), which discussed inviting registered participants to join your team. Another approach to inviting participants to your team is to go into the team and click on the "..." and invite specific users to the team. Please let us know if you still have questions or problems. Kind Regards, Mike

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