Hi, I wanted to ask if the team captain " who creates the team and invite participants" should be the person who submit the model in the submission system as well, or it can be someone else from the team? Thank you,

Created by Eiman Ahmed Eimanahmed
Hi @Eiman, No problem. You can collaborate on the sub-challenges in one Synapse project, you can give the Synapse Team admin access to that project. Just make sure you don't overwrite each other's docker repositories when pushing to the Synapse docker registry. Best, Tom
Hi @thomas.yu Thanks for answering my previous question. I also want to ask, if each member of the team is assigned to submit a model for sub challenge (e.g member 1 to submit for sub challenge 1, and so on) , then each member needs to create a separate project? Thanks,
Hello @Eiman, No, anyone registered for the challenge and on the team can submit the model as the team. Please also note that a participant can only submit as a team or as an individual. As long as all the members of the team submit as the team, there shouldn't be an issue. Best, Tom

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