Dear operator. Hi, I have a one question about the RNA expression data in synthetic data. I wonder if the synthetic data went through the quartile normalization step(which is perl script) as suggested in data processing section. Thank you. KyounJun Lee

Created by kyoungjun lee kyoungjunlee
Dear @kyoungjunlee , Thanks for participating in this Challenge. The synthetic RNA-seq data was created from the fully processed real data, *at the gene level*. Specifically: > 1 a random sample with replacement was taken for a given gene across all patient samples. > 2 the resulting values are checked to ensure there are enough non-zero unique numbers. > 3 then the values were fit with a lognormal distribution. > 4 this distribution was then sampled from the appropriate number of times. This was done independently for each gene. **It should be noted that these values are not for building models or improving accuracy but simply for facilitating data ingest.**

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