Hey - I tried submitting to SubChallenge 2 today and I'm getting an invalid submission (9710705/9710706, when I checked the stdout.. it looks like the model scores correctly and use the features). I was wondering if you could help me root cause the issue? In 9710710, I actually write the file and then read it from the directory and print to stdout...and it works.. so there has to be an issue somewhere else

Created by Sean McCurdy seanmccrdy
yeah no worries man! best of luck
Thanks so much @seanmccrdy. We had a slightly different issue but it had to do with either SMOKING or AAGE. Works now!
Dear @seanmccrdy and @adamklie , I wanted to say thanks to you two for helping each other figure this issue out (also thanks to @vchung and @thomas.yu). It is awesome to see participant help each other like this! Cheers, Mike
So the validation set must have UNKNOWN value for TOBACUSE, which causes the issue if you haven't specially addressed in your preprocessing. The UNKNOWN value isn't present in the synthetic set and that is why it passes
@vchung , Will do. Thank you!
@adamklie , Okay, let me know if that thread helps shed some light on anything. Hopefully we can get this solved!
Hi @vchung , We unfortunately are but, I believe you are addressing it here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18404605/discussion/threadId=7797&replyId=24223.
@seanmccrdy , Thank you for the update! @adamklie , Are you still experiencing issues with your submission to sub-challenge 2? Let us know!
Hi @seanmccrdy, what did you end up doing to get it working? Our team is having a similar issue.
never mind, I think I figured it out!

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