If you want to keep the deadline in a 12h format, a solution would be to go for 11:59PM instead. 12AM (or 12PM) is quite ambiguous.

Created by Antoine Soulé AntoineSoule
I am genuinely curious about those legal reasons. But to stay on topic, without moving the deadline, what about mentioning PCT first ? 12AM being midnight and not midday is quite a counterintuitive convention for people used to the 24h format.
Dear @AntoineSoule and @kongpsx , We recognize that the 12am deadline can be confusing and we tried to provide guidance in our email to participants on Feb 22, 2021, 8:26 AM (Pacific time), which specifically addressed this. Unfortunately some Challenges have organizing groups prefer the 12am deadline for legal reasons. Kind regards, Mike
chiming in just to say I agree. especially since for folks on PST it meant the due date was 2/24, not 2/25.

Proposition for next edition: avoiding using 12AM as deadline page is loading…